Here Are the Drunkest Vacation Cities on Instagram
You know the drill: The second you touch down in your destination, you find the nearest bar, brewery, or liquor store, crack open a cold one, and post a #vacation selfie on Instagram. It’s only natural to want to enjoy your first of many alcoholic beverages in a faraway land and document it for the rest of your friends to see, because the rest of your friends aren’t having nearly as much fun as you are.
Turns out enough people have done this to warrant a study conducted by, an alcohol awareness group, on our travelgram habits. In-house researchers recently analyzed more than 1,000 photo posts from 143 cities that were tagged either “#vacay” or “#vacationmode” to see which metropolises were the booziest vacation spots.
No, this wasn’t a very scientific way to reach any conclusive findings. But nevertheless, it’s still fun to report on the results. Here were the top 10 cities with images of alcohol:
- Seattle, Washington (4.5 percent of vacation photos featured booze)
- Vancouver, Canada (4.6 percent)
- Montreal, Canada (4.6 percent)
- San Diego, California (5 percent)
- Stockholm, Sweden (5.1 percent)
- Austin, Texas (5.9 percent)
- Los Angeles, California (6.9 percent)
- New Orleans, Louisiana (8.3 percent)
- Denver, Colorado (8.5 percent)
- Portland, Oregon (10 percent)
The study also found that the most snapped photos were of cocktails (36 percent) and liqueurs (33.5 percent), while other popular hashtags on boozy posts included “#drinks” (7.5 percent), “#cheers” (5.2 percent), and “#wanderlust” (4.9 percent). They might’ve just been talking about the David Wain movie, though.
Now for the buzzkill: The data showed vacation posts that featured alcohol earned roughly half as many likes as those without it, suggesting that, hey, maybe your buddies eventually get sick of seeing you get tanked around the world.