Women’s Sex Life in Detail

We already know about the emotional basis of a woman’s happy sex life, but this does not mean that women are some ethereal creatures devoid of physiological processes in the body and sexual needs. Women sex life is complicated.
Sexual attraction of women remains a mystery both for men, and often for women themselves. It goes for young just as old women sex life. In some periods of life, it is stronger, but in others it decreases significantly. What does it depend on? As you know, a big role in the emergence or reduction of sexual desire is played by hormones: estrogen and testosterone. But not only them. Sexual attraction depends on many factors: hormonal, age, physiological factors, and also from heredity.
Sexuality of a woman covers:
Natural awakening of sexual desire, needs – libido. If such a need is poorly expressed, then this is called hypolipidemia.
To the sexual attraction, physical sensations are added, accompanied by the flow of blood to the genitals, which is manifested by the woman’s moisturizing the vagina. This gives a pleasant feeling, sexual arousal.
The third, time-limited phase, is sexual satisfaction – orgasm. Meet women for marriage right now, you won’t be disappointed. Orgasm may not happen at all (anorgasmia), it can be mildly expressed, come occasionally or, conversely, several times during sexual intercourse.
I will not talk about gynecological diseases, which, naturally, can worsen sexual feelings, especially in those cases when sexual relations are accompanied by pain. Only a gynecologist will help. I will leave aside sexual deviations, as well as situations where the spouses do not have the opportunity to retire. And we won’t talk about pregnant women sex life. Let’s talk about those to whom nothing, except themselves, does not interfere with experiencing complete joy and pleasure from sexual relations.
For the sexual life of modern women in the broad meaning of these words is generally characterized by a departure from the original purpose of sexual intimacy – the continuation of the human race.
You will ask why?
Yes, because in an intimate life a woman seeks, first of all, to realize herself, to acquire values that are not analogous in nature.
The “basic” instinct of intimacy and passion never plays a leading role in the woman’s sexual life. Much more important for her is the desire to be close to her beloved, to share her deepest thoughts and feelings, to feel a recognition from a man, affectionate participation, to feel the joy of mutual understanding.
At the same time, from the point of view of psychology in intimate life, the character, upbringing and attitude of the world – the individuality of a woman – are manifested.
Understand that there are no ready-made recipes and there is nowhere to look for solutions to star horoscopes, you need to understand that there are recommendations that can satisfy some people, and should not be seen as a mandatory norm for all.
According to experts, when a woman does not have enough satisfaction in the sexual aspect, her body significantly increases the level of male hormones, the skin becomes fatter, and the scalp on the skin becomes more rigid and rough.
In addition, during menstruation, painful sensations increase, and in the initial period of menopause there is a constant discomfort.
In order for you to be able to understand what you are, what you want to achieve, what you are dissatisfied with, what you can correct in yourself, how to help a partner, you need a knowledge of the culture of sexual relations. Ignorance in matters of sex is the same vice as any other ignorance.