Spring Just Got Hotter!

with Layla Hayek
Photography by @Leondash
Make-up by @Ruemendez
Tell us something surprising about you? I have a twin sister! No, she isn’t a model.
Were you excited to shoot for Playboy? Of course, who wouldn’t be!?
What inspires you? In life, being a good person, sharing experiences that are fulfilling for the soul.

Why did you choose to pursue a career in modelling? The lifestyle for sure, working out with trainers, the travelling, the lovely clothes! The jewellery! It’s always a good day when I can celebrate being a woman.
Who do you look up to in the modelling industry? Elizabeth Taylor is my favourite icon right now!
What are some of your hobbies? I recently started drawing jewellery. I have this abnormal obsession with animals and diamonds. I’ve been thinking of starting a jewellery company. We’ll see.

Name three things on your bucket list? To fall in love, do fun things with someone like starts a company and selling it for fun…
Turn-ons… Elegance, confidence, and gilded luxury.
Turnoffs… I adore men too much to even answer this.

Describe to us your perfect date… A thoughtful, well-planned date is always perfect. The company is usually what makes the date for me.
Which world capital would you most like to visit, and why? Hong Kong, because I’ve never been.
What is your mantra? What’s for you will find you, even if you once lost it.

Want to see more of Layla? Then make sure you follow her on Instagram @Laylahayeknyc for all her latest news and story updates!