Summer Got Hotter

with Kayla Fitzgerald
One of the many good things about living in South Africa is the year-round sunny climate we enjoy and this summer sexy swimwear model Kayla Fitzgerald is turning up the heat, big time! Here, we get candid and learn more about who this soulful beauty really is, what it was like shooting for Playboy, what her dreams and passions for the future are and we get some useful pointers on how to approach the dating game in a world riddled with social distancing. Take a look!
Known for her beauty, style, and grace, Florida-born Kayla Fitzgerald rose to fame after placing top 15 in Sports Illustrated’s SI Swimsearch’s first-ever open casting call, and walking in their debut fashion show at Miami SwimWeek. She has since been featured in the print pages of Sports IllustratedSwimsuit Edition, Maxim, and has been profiled by the likes of TMZ, Parade, CBS, Yahoo, and more. Kayla has sought to use her platform in the industry to raise awareness about the struggles petite models experience, and help shorter and smaller women embrace their natural beauty. As a 5’3” model, Kayla has been discriminated against for her height, and she feels empowered to create more inclusive opportunities for models of all heights and sizes. She is passionate about empowering everyone to embrace health and wellness, and feel their best selves both on the inside and outside. In addition to modeling, Kayla is also an accomplished actress and television personality, who competed on The Amazing Race season 30.
It’s a pleasure to have you appear in Playboy Kayla, first things first, your pictures look absolutely amazing…Could you tell us a few things about your photoshoot experience? Thank you, it really is an honor to be a part of such an iconic brand like Playboy and my experience was amazing! The entire team was super talented and were all respected industry leaders, so being on set with everyone there just made me feel very comfortable and even more excited. It was such a fun day where we laughed a lot and danced around in between shooting. The GLAM squad was NEXT LEVEL and made all of us girls look and feel incredible as well. Veronica, the photographer, just has an eye for what will look the best, so it was fun to work with her and get creative. Everyone on set was willing to help out in any way that they could whether it was getting behind the scenes, helping us get ready, or even feeding us so we didn’t mess up our makeup haha. I truly cannot say enough about how much fun we had!
Speaking of ‘amazing’ things, we loved your episode of the Amazing Race, season 30. What was your takeaway lesson from doing the show? The Amazing Race was honestly an unforgettable experience, I would totally do it again haha. I would have to say my biggest takeaway from it would be to just continue to travel and experience different parts of the world because it really does give you so much life experience and help to shape your views. It made a huge difference too that we didn’t have our phones, so we were able to fully enjoy and experience where we were and who we were with on a completely different level. It’s so important to fully disconnect and just be present. Also, I am such a foodie, so trying different foods in different parts of the world is my favorite
Wow, you’re very popular on social media, where do you get the inspiration for all your fashionable outfits, and do you consider yourself more of a logical or creative person? Honestly, I am a sucker for Pinterest for my fashion trend and outfit ideas!! I also LOVE Olivia Culpo’s style and Hailee Bieber. I am kind of in-between both when it comes to being logical or creative, so I don’t think I could really choose just one. I am pretty level-headed when it comes to making decisions, but I also love the creative process of things which is why I think I am in this industry.

On the topic of social media which seems to be the only way any of us is communicating these days, what advice would you give guys looking to approach their online crush? I would say, be polite and try to come up with something catchy that can stand out but doesn’t come off aggressive or sexual. No girl wants to see a dick pic if they didn’t ask for it, lol (can I say that here?). I think we are past the point of needing to feel weird about sliding in the DM, I know so many people whose relationships have started that way and I love it. My advice would be to respond to a story or comment on a picture with something funny, and if the girl is interested, TRUST ME, she will respond. ALSO, make sure your profile picture is enticing and you have a few photos of just yourself on your page so that the other person can see what they’re working with!
When receiving a DM from a guy, does a simple hello still work or do we need to come up with something witty to really get the girl’s attention? I kind of answered this above, but I personally prefer something witty. IT really just depends on the person and can definitely vary depending on the situation, but I would at the very least add an emoji in there haha.
For the guys that are a little rusty on their dating skills, what is an absolutely awesome idea for a first date that won’t leave a bad impression or break the bank? I am sure most girls feel the same way, it’s more about the effort than anything, so there’s really no reason to stress about it or spend a bunch of money. I think a cute picnic with some cheese and crackers and a bottle of wine is perfect. You could even incorporate a hike or something that’s active outside and has a nice view. You never know, it could end up being “your thing” you do with each other!
Speaking of dates, what is one of your fondest and/or weirdest memories while on a date? One of my favorite dates was going to a drive-in movie theatre. It was so thought out, we had blankets to snuggle, wine, snacks, and it was super intimate. Might sound cheesy, but If you put some thought into it, I am a happy camper!
It’s a typical guy question, but do you have any celebrity crushes or guy ‘types’, just out of interest? So, I don’t think I have a type physically, because I have honestly dated all over the spectrum haha but my celebrity crushes that I can think of off the top of my head are Chris Hemsworth (love me some thor!), Harry Styles, and Ian Somerhalder.
You’re very toned, when guys compliment you on your body what the most common feature they admire? You can be totally honest… Oddly enough I get my eyes a lot, which I find weird because they are just a normal brown lol but I also get my boobs or legs.

Now for some role reversal, if you find yourself checking out a guy, what is the first thing you notice? I am big on mouths!!!! I love a nice mouth, haha but I also love strong-looking backs and hands!
We know true beauty is more than just skin deep. Aside from your awesome modeling career, what other ambitions or dreams do you hope to achieve in this lifetime? I always just strive to be a good human and make a positive impact. I donate a lot (pre-Covid), and it’s in my goals to do more volunteer work specifically for women and children. Also, I can’t wait to be a mom and help mold future generations; I think that truly is one of the greatest accomplishments for women!
Do you have any role models or people you look up to for inspiration? Sounds cliché, but my mom. She’s so strong and has overcome so much adversity, she’s a badass. Her work ethic and resilience rubbed off on me for sure, so I have to give credit where credit is due! As for the modeling industry, I LOVE Miranda Kerr, Ashley Graham, and Emily Ratajkowski.
If you could change any one thing about humanity, what would it be and why? Oh, this one’s deep. I wish we could change the polarity and instill more understanding and compassion that lasts forever. I think if people could always come from a place of compassion, our world would be a much better place on all fronts.
Do you have any inspirational words to share for people who might feel this Covid pandemic is getting them down? The one thing I keep reminding and telling myself is, “this too shall pass.” We are capable of overcoming so much, and we really are in such a better place than we have been in the past centuries. Nothing lasts forever, whether it be happiness or hard times so it’s important to remind ourselves that we WILL get through this and every day is a new day. If you can wake up and try to write down at least three things you are grateful for, it can help to change your mindset and hopefully inspire some new ways to bring you light and happiness during these tough times!
2021 is still new for most of us, are you working on any exciting projects for the year ahead and could you tell us about that? Yes I am!! I am always producing fresh new content for my only fans page, so make sure to follow me there: But aside from that, I have some other magazine covers and features in the works too. I have covers coming out with Retreat Magazine, Contrast, QP, and MUZE, so I am excited for those as well. Also, I am actually thinking about starting a podcast. I want to continue to highlight the modeling industry and promote diversity, so I thought what better way to do that than to get on an open platform and speak openly about the industry with a bunch of different industry leaders like models, producers, directors, photographers, PR agents, etc. I am pretty excited about it, but it’s still in the very early stages of development!

Lastly, where can people get more information on your latest news and events and what’s your Instagram handle for the many readers that would love to follow your journey on social media? You can stay up to date with me through social media. I share all of my exclusive content on my only fans page where they always get first-hand knowledge and BTS from anything I have going on, and then Instagram usually gets the news second.
OnlyFans: @kayla
Instagram: @kaylafitz3
AND if you want to spend the year with me, make sure to get my 2021 calendar! They are all personalized and signed and you get a fire new picture to start off every month at
Want to see more of Kayla? Then follow her journey on Instagram @kaylafitz3 for all her latest news and story updates!