This issue is going to be amazing, as we feature Christine Quinn, a true beauty that literally lives by a motto of manifesting her own dreams. She’s smart, drop-dead sexy and expecting her first little bundle of joy! Inside she shares her journey up till this point and insight into what she’s looking forward to manifesting in the future. Take a look.
Thank you Christine for taking the time out of your busy schedule to sit with us. Firstly, congrats on the news of your first expected baby, new life is always precious and we’re so happy for you. It’s also not every day a person gets to see a gorgeous woman flaunting her beautiful baby bump in a men’s magazine. Could you tell us about your personal experience shooting for Playboy? I am so honored to be offered the cover of one of the most iconic magazines in the world. I think motherhood is such a beautiful thing. Women’s bodies come in all shapes, sizes, and phases. I am honored to be able to share my changing body with the world. I was inspired to shoot for the magazine after seeing Lisa Rhinna’s fabulous pregnancy photoshoot back in the day. I remember how hot she looked. I was like damn! I want to be that confident and sexy when I am a mom! I mean, who doesn’t want to be a “MILF?!” The opportunity to shoot the cover for Playboy pregnant, really inspired me to continue to embrace my changing body, and still feel sexy.
We’ve searched the internet high and low and can’t find any news about the baby’s gender. Are we not looking hard enough or do you and hubby Christian have a special gender reveal planned? We don’t plan on doing a gender reveal. We have created a gender-neutral nursery, and will be happy parents no matter what we are blessed with. For me, personally I don’t put emphasis on gender.
It’s common, especially for guys to sexualize relationships, but intimacy is so much deeper. What would you say is the ONE thing you absolutely love about Christian and why? The number one thing that is attractive about any man is intellect and stability. He has been very supportive in my career, and I think it’s so important to find someone who is on your level and understands you, without even having to express yourself with words. It’s all about an emotional connection, and every relationship should be based on that. Having a best friend by your side is the most anyone could ask for.
You know, you probably have heard this before, but you and hubby have similar names. Christine, Christian, we’re thinking baby’s name is gonna be… Chris… something. Yes? We love the idea of a name starting with the letter “C” so our initials will all be the same. We think that’s a really cute idea, and will pass the tradition on. Just like the Kardashians!
Recently you did a shoot for Cosmo and wow! You looked AMAZING! Actually, you always look good. Where do you draw your fashion inspiration from and would you ever consider launching your own brand? Thank you so much! I find inspiration everywhere and in everything. My personal style is constantly evolving and changing. We found the location first, and worked the moodboard around the style of the property. The location was very old Hollywood. We really wanted to channel the glitz and glam of old Hollywood and focus the wardrobe around shimmer, sparkles, tool fabrics, and rich silk pieces, complete with long gowns that fit with well the property. I am always extremely involved and creative in all shoots and every aspect of filming and work. It’s so important to me to have a cohesive image for the overall shoot, and a storyline that is visually intriguing to and appeals to everyone.
So, real-estate plus reality TV equals great success. Who would have guessed it. How has your journey been on Selling Sunset and what would you say is the one life lesson you’ve taken away from your experience as both a TV star and reality mogul? Real estate was something I “fell into”, but instantly fell in love with. I loved the idea of working with who I wanted, when I wanted, and at my own pace. Being my own boss is my true dream come true. The Selling Sunsetrollercoaster has been a wild ride. I am just grateful to have the courage to be vulnerable enough to open up my life to the whole world. It has its perks on certain days, but sometimes can be extremely difficult. People think they know me from a show. I’m just out here to entertain, and inspire and make people laugh. If I’m not your cup of tea, you probably don’t have taste buds.
Random question, but very interesting to ask. Is it possible for a high-sales and successful realtor to earn a bigger paycheck than a successful reality star? It’s absolutely possible to make an incredible amount of money in real estate. I personally know people who have cashed in 7 figure paychecks from selling homes. Both are a grind in a different way, but for me, reality TV has become more of a personal passion project of mine.
We all love the drama of reality TV, for you, what was your sauciest moment, by that we mean, the time you’re watching yourself on TV and thinking “OMG, did I really just do that, lol”? I am never shocked by anything I do or say. It’s always strategic. I think it’s a strong lesson to learn as a woman, that what comes out of your mouth has intention behind it and you need to harness the power of the raw honesty of your feelings in each and every moment. Women are constantly apologizing. But for what? It’s a fucked up female habit. We are in a world where we as women are constantly walking on eggshells. It’s hard enough to have a vagina, let alone speak your mind, and not feel constantly judged. It’s important to not only say what you feel, but feel confident in your opinions.
There’s an episode of Two and a Half Men where Alan sneaks a girl into a client’s show house overnight to get ‘kinky.’ Do you think these kinds of things could really happen, just asking you know, for a friend? HA! This has absolutely happened, I know of a listing first-hand in Beverly Hills where a couple snuck in. They were using the pool and hot tub, definitely getting hot and heavy. The clients who were out of town at the time, saw this all go down on their camera footage. Needless to say, the cops were called, so my advice for your “friend” would be to make it quick, and I hope your “friend” is a fast runner…
They say, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. Now it’s not fair to expect you to pick, but if you had to, what would you be, celebrity reality star or realty mogul, and why? That’s exactly how I feel now that I am doing what I truly love, and that is television. I had multiple jobs prior in which I dreaded showing up for, (on the days I even decided to) I envision myself being the next Kardashian. I want to run my own “Fempire”. I will to continue to do real estate on my time, and work on other ventures that I am passionate about. I love being my own boss. I am an entrepreneur, and passionate about so many things. I love all things makeup, beauty, fashion, and entertainment. I can envision starting some big businesses for myself very soon. I would love to write a book. I have so much advice I would love to share with the world.
You’re in a very blessed point in your life and we love seeing people ‘manifesting’ their dreams… yup, we’ve borrowed your lingo now. Was there ever a time you thought you wouldn’t make it, and if you could go back in time, what would you tell Christine back then? Haha! You definitely did your research and I applaud you for that. I have always been a huge believer in the law of attraction and manifesting the life you want to live. I came from nothing. Literally, people used to ride horses to the grocery store in my hometown outside of Dallas. There was never a point in my life where I thought “I wouldn’t make it.” -and that itself, is the first key to manifestation. Believing your eventual outcome despite feeling unsatisfactory. I felt myself being constantly disappointed in the progress of my “expected” life timeline. “Why isn’t it happening now?!” “What am I doing wrong?!” But I realized, once I got to the point in my career where I was stable, that it’s all about timing. God and the universe always have a bigger plan for you, always. Know that timing is on your side. Be patient, and keep your eye on the prize. Frustration and disappointment is normal. Just know, Wonderful things will come your way. When the stars are ready to align, you yourself will become one.
On the topic of bad moments, there are so many people going through tough times right now. What advice or motivation would you give them to persevere and manifest their own success? I noticed throughout this pandemic everyone, including myself started thinking outside the box to create different revenue streams. I was not able to do showings and hold open houses. I think it’s so important to realize ALL the talents you harness and embrace each and everyone. In the beginning of starting a new business, try to not obsess over perfection out the gate. done is better than perfect, and perfection comes with time.
Enough about the gloomy days. So, are you working on any new and exciting projects and could you tell us about that? I am so excited we are prepping very soon to film season 4 and 5 of Selling Sunset on Netflix. I have many business ventures in the works in the realm of beauty and fashion, in addition to furthering my television career. I always love collaborating with different brands and see some really fabulous things in the future to come so stay tuned!
It’s always fun to follow a gorgeous and talented person on social, so, for all the readers out there, where can they follow you for info on your latest news and events? I am very active on my Instagram. You can follow me on Instagram at @thechristinequinn, Twitter @Xtinequinn Snapchat @Xtinequinn and Tik Tok @Xtinequinn.
Well, that’s that. It was an absolute pleasure having you Christine, if you have any last words to share, please do, otherwise we wish you and Christian all the best and hope to see you again soon. Oh, and kisses to the little one. Keep up the Pizza Hut and Dr Pepper so baby is happy okay.
Muse: Christine Quinn / @thechristinequinn
Photographer: Sarah Orbanić / @sarahorbanicphotos
Stylist: Paola Estefania / @paolaestefania
Wardrobe: Paola Estefania Official / @paolaestefaniaofficial Paola Swimwear @paolaswimwear
Hair: Jason / @jasonhaiir
Makeup: Eros / @erosmua
Fashion PR: Emily Blair Marcus / @emilyblairmarcus
Set Design: Bijan Souri / @beejann
Floral Arrangement: Il Floral Design / @ilfloraldesign
Production: Emily Blair Media / @emilyblairmedia