A Dream Come True!

with Playboy Africa December 2021 cover star Ashley Loren / @ashleyoneluvvv
Photography by Arthur St. John / @arthurstjohn
HMUA: Wendy Ryan Shelton / @showoff_makeup
Congratulations on your secondnd Playboy Cover, now Africa. What does this mean to you? It’s pretty amazing, I’m passionate about it; I’m absolutely elated.
Have you ever been to Africa? Would you like to visit someday? I have never been to Africa and would love to go someday, especially South Africa.

What has changed in your life since gracing the cover of Playboy Australia? A lot of modeling offers have presented themselves and I have met a lot of new, lifelong friends.
How important is working out and fitness? Tell us about your routine. It’s very important to me, admittedly I skip days and could always eat better, but like to live a little!
Favorite sexual position? Cowgirl.
Love or be loved? Both are nice, immersing myself in love is always a favorite for me. I’m the same breath, giving is better than receiving.
Favorite cocktail? Chocolate martini or champagne!

If you could eat just one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? Pizza, the answer is self-explanatory!
Netflix and chill or party all night? Netflix and chill, I love being cozy on the couch watching a funny movie.
Do you have any regrets in life? No, I used to, but I changed my mindset. Everything happens for a reason.
Who or what inspires you the most? Highly motivated people inspire me, I can be complacent most of the time.

If you could change any one thing in the world, what would it be and why? Segregation, it pulls everyone apart.
Did you do any traveling this year? Where did you visit? Yes, Cabo. Cabo is beautiful and the people are amazing.
Where’s the wildest place you had sex? Nightclub.
Where is the wildest place you would want to have sex? A crowded room, or maybe a beach party.