Queen of Hearts

with Ella Love / @Officialellalove

Photography by Jerome G. Hamilton / @Jeromeghamilton

HMUA: Stephanie Peterson / @StephaniePetersonmakeup

Published model and travel Junkie. Follow her adventures on

What inspires you? I want to look back on my life and say wow I can’t believe I did that and inspired people along the way. So, I guess you can say living a fulfilled life is what inspires me.

Who do you look up to in the modeling industry? I look up to successful models in the industry one, in particular, is Khloe Terae, she is a boss babe with beauty and brains! How can you top that!

What are some of your hobbies? I love to be in nature I feel that it resets your body so definitely hiking is one of them. Scuba diving is such a beautiful experience that you can get on a day-to-day basis. Of course, shopping I mean how can I not like that.

Turn-ons… Confidence, intelligence, and a good-smelling cologne.

Turn-offs… A grown man’s child and a man that has no sense of fashion.

Which world capital would you most like to visit, and why? I always wanted to visit Egypt. I’ve been obsessed with Egypt since I was a kid. I actually was so obsessed I wanted to be an Egyptologist but we all know how that turned out. So, to see the Pyramids of Giza would complete my life.

What is your mantra? Live in the moment because the past already happened, and the future is not here yet.

Describe yourself in three words… Powerful, intelligent, and limitless.

Were you excited to shoot for Playboy? Excited was an understatement making a dream of mine so long come true is so hard to put in words, but I would say it felt like euphoria. I still can’t believe it’s all happening.

What was it like starting out as a model? It was really difficult because social media was not a thing so old school networking was such a thing but what made it particularly hard is that no other models were willing to help me gain knowledge or move forward so I had to learn everything on my own merit and through trials and tribulations.

What would you consider to be your biggest challenge as a model so far? I think it has changed so much being in the industry for 13 years. So, for me is to grow my social media following. I have a love/hate relationship because I know it’s a tool that is necessary but it can also be so damaging. So, I try to be as authentic as possible on social media.

Do you feel more like a city person or a country person? As I’m getting older, I feel more and more that I’m a country person. Being away and people and being in nature is so appealing when you are constantly on the go in the city.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? It would have to be Italy. I’m a sucker for history and fashion and they have both not to mention they are the mecca of wine that’s just a Dreamland to me!

Which song is absolutely certain to make you cry whenever you hear it?

Dinosaurs in Love Book by Fenn Rosenthal. It is such an innocent song and so pure I cry out of laughter so that counts

What is your favorite word in any language and what does it mean? Without a doubt would be fuck. You can use it in any emotion and it’s valid. In any context and it is valid. I think the most versatile word other than lol expression.

Any last words you would like to share with the readers? My favorite quote: Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hardObesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard.Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard.Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard.Life will never be easy. It will always be hard.But we can choose our hard. Pick wisely.